Monday 18 June 2012

Government’s final report on the safety of PIP implants released

The final Government report has concluded that the gel within PIP breast implants is not toxic or carcinogenic and is not a long term health risk to women despite the gel used being industrial based silicone.

The report has found that PIP breast implants have double the rupture rate of other implants. It is believed that around 47,000 women in the UK were fitted with PIP breast implants.

Mark Harvey of Hugh James Solicitors is representing nearly 1,000 women with PIP breast implants and has been appointed by the Court as the lead solicitor in the PIP Group Litigation. He has welcomed this new announcement, but warned that his clients will expect further tests to be undertaken on these implants:

“We welcome today’s announcements and it will be some relief to our clients that have been affected by this scandal. We also agree wholeheartedly with the recognition in the report that anxiety over possible health effects is in itself a form of health risk, something that we see on a daily basis in our own clients."


  1. How much will it cost to do a breast implant in Newyork,and where can i do it?

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